Real Men Knit... - PaisleyJade

Real Men Knit...

By PaisleyJade - Sunday, August 31, 2008

The art of knitting is being lost in our modern culture. Maybe people are too busy these days to knit; maybe people think knitting is only for granny's; maybe woolly jumpers aren't as trendy as they used to be, or most probably one of the main reasons is that these days it is too expensive to knit a jersey rather than buy one.

Anyway - I am glad to say that the craft is being passed on in our household. I have never been a knitter... I am way too slow, and find I get a bit bored. I have completed one or two scarves in my lifetime, but that is about it. So I was very impressed to see Miss 4's pony blanket that she completed with the help of her her Nana (very patient Nana at that!).

It got me thinking about a couple of male knitters I know... one is a middle aged man who loves to knit. It doesn't seem quite right to have a man knitting, but it is a lot more common than I thought.

What do you think about the clip below guys (and girls)? Do you know any male knitters? Maybe we should start a male knitting movement... I don't think my husband would be impressed if I got the boys into it, although I did have a little birdie tell me that he himself learned to knit once!

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  1. oh dear... i have no words, only fear of the unknown hahahaha kristy what on earth?

  2. I found that disturbingly hilarious! Those boys knitting in the back of the car hahahaha! I, on other hand, have knitting envy. I wish I could - but lack the patience!

  3. I'm pretty sure Mawson is obsessively into knitting. He mainly does more flowery stuff though, like he did an embroidered flower knapsack for his mother for instance, and a lovely bookmark for his father.

  4. Yeah i did manage to get the above mentioned items finished but only with the amazing tutoring and patience of a certain Jon Dylan whom i am sure we all know of.

  5. I think that is awesome! Why not? I mean if we (women) can go out hunting and rugby playing etc, then why can't guys dabble in a bit of knitting ?! If my husband (to be) wanted to knit, I'd be proud of him if not a bit more attracted to him! ;)

  6. Love your post of childhood crushes.
    I like the my little pony rug - my girls would be impressed. I feel guily not knowing how to knit because they're love to learn. Hmm, one of my sons would love to learn too, maybe I should find someone to teach them all, then they could knit me multicolored blankets in the yarns of my choice...

  7. Is that an April Fools Youtube??? I can't believe that's for real! Good for them!

  8. Nice share

    God bless you


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