Wordless Wednesday (and what a day it was!) - PaisleyJade

Wordless Wednesday (and what a day it was!)

By PaisleyJade - Wednesday, March 04, 2009

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  1. Oh dear! Poor poppet! Why did she need to have it pulled?

  2. Oh my... poor wee thing, I assume she had a crash with the door?

    The dentist looks nice though... LOL!

    also the word verification thing on this comment is devintst - is that something to do with the devine dentist... don't mind me, I'm on a roll and I'm gonna be quiet now, promise! ;)

  3. Ouch. Hope everything is ok.

  4. eek! Yes quite a day for you by the looks. Hope you all survived without too many tears.

  5. Thanks for the loving thoughts guys... I probably should have put some words with this one... she slipped or tripped and her forehead smashed the glass in the door, and her mouth hit the framing, causing her front tooth (the other was lost in a previous accident!) to go through her bottom lip and come out. Ouch! All is okay - and I am so thankful as it could have been much worse!!

  6. Whoah! It coulda been way worse, she still has her pretty face! That dentist looks like he loves his job! You're a great mum x

  7. Poor little miss! Poor mum too. IT can be hard to get them to be brave when you are going to jelly yourself!

  8. Ouch that would have seriously hurt, make it extremely hard to eat too.

  9. He looks like he is applying a 'charlie chapman' moustache to her ;)

  10. You so need to add some words to this blog! Poor poor Mayah!....I just read the other comments and your response! What a day. Hugs and warm friendly vibes from us over here! Axx

  11. oh dear poor child! hope she's ok!! xx

  12. Anonymous11:09 pm

    Wow the pictures speak a thousand words!! So glad that she wasn't more seriously injured!!!

    I love reading your blog and come each day for my daily dose! :)
    I am an old friend of Nina's so found the link to your blog on hers.

    You are an inspiration! You manage to be such a good mom and still find time to sew and help others! Not to mention bake and blog!! Fantastic. :)

  13. Oh no! What an accident. I'm sending good thoughts to your place.

  14. Poor baby!! I am so sorry to see this happened. :(
    Sending hugs,

  15. Yowzer - poor little pudding. Glad to hear she's much better!


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